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We’ve got hand sanitizer!

We’ve got hand sanitizer!

Our hand sanitizer comes in four sizes:

4 ounce flip top bottle - $4.00

32 ounce spray bottle - $15.00

1/2 gallon jug - $18.00

gallon jug - $30.00


Is this available to the public, or just essential businesses, first responders, etc.?

  • This is available for anyone!

Can you ship or deliver?

  • These are all available for curbside pick-up at our distillery - sorry we cannot ship.

Can I get a discount?

  • Prices are net - we are covering our costs and keeping people employed, so we are unable to discount our hand sanitizer.

Is there a limit to how much I can buy?

  • We have a 3 gallon limit on purchases to the public.
  • If you are ordering for an essential or government business, we can work with you on a large order

How do I order?

  • for individual order, please email todd@santafespirits.com
  • for large orders (government or essential businesses) please email leif@santafespirits.com