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Spirits from Santa Fe Spirits

SFS Five Products
SFS Five Products

​When you think of New Mexico, what do you picture in your mind’s eye? Desert sands, margaritas, dry climate, good food, Breaking Bad? What probably doesn’t occur to you are artisanal hand crafted spirits. However, New Mexico (like most of the country) is jumping on the micro-distillery and micro-brewery train. And believe me, they are not about to get left behind. Several articles have come out lately touting the brilliance of the craft beer scene in the state, but what about the craft spirits?

Boasting five distilleries throughout the state, New Mexico is producing some products that you don’t want to miss! Santa Fe Spirits is a small craft distillery currently producing five products:

Expedition Vodka (a 6 times distilled corn based vodka)

Silver Coyote Whiskey (an unaged white whiskey made from 100% malted barley)

Apple Brandy (a Calvados style brandy made from mountain west apples)

Wheeler’s Gin (a western inspired gin)

Colkegan Single Malt Whiskey (a mesquite smoked single malt whiskey)


This blog, written by a Santa Fe Spirits employee and bartender with many different collaborators, seeks to explore the world of craft distilling, especially in New Mexico, as well as the world of Santa Fe and how we fit into it.