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Punch: The State of American Craft Whiskey

In the Press

Clay Risen sets out to answer the question where is American whiskey today? And is regionalization the future—or is it already here? taking a look at the American craft whiskey scene ten years after the insurgence of the spirit. The American whiskey conversation has really changed over the past year as the spirit has cemented its place in the market; people no longer ask what is craft whiskey and does it have staying power? Now the questions are about regions and styles and terroir. Risen determines some regions in his article, along with some of the best whiskeys from each region. “True to its Southwestern heritage, Santa Fe Spirits smokes its Colkegan Single Malt Whiskey using mesquite instead of peat. The result is a finely tuned set of barbecue and spice notes that permeate the nose and palate.”