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What happened to the BUY NOW option?

Company News & Announcements

No, you’re not imagining things—you really could buy our spirits on our website and have them delivered straight to your door. But here’s the kicker: we weren’t actually the ones shipping them.

Welcome to the wonderful world of American alcohol laws, where something called the Three-Tier System makes sure distilleries like us can’t sell directly to you. (Because clearly, getting great whiskey should be more complicated than getting a driver’s license.) So when you clicked BUY NOW, what really happened was:

We sold the spirits to a partner.

We shipped the spirits to them.

They shipped them to you.

Unfortunately, our most recent shipping partner wasn’t quite the right fit. But fear not! We’re working hard to find a new, better partner. And when we do, that magical BUY NOW button will return.

So don’t give up on us—we’ll be back in your glass soon!

Read more about the three tier system or direct to consumer shipping.