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News & Events

Denver’s Whiskey Rebellion

July 2, 2014 Events

​Come check us out at the Whiskey Rebellion in Denver July 10th!http://www.wheretoeat.in/2014-whiskey-rebellion-denver/

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Bike and Brew

Bike and Brew

April 30, 2014 Events

​Make sure to check us out during Outside Magazine's Bike and Brew Event this May! Santa Fe Spirits will be teaming up with Marble Brewery during their grand reopening at the Luna District May 18th and we would love to see your support!

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Brekenridge Craft Spirits Festival award

Colkegan’s Second Silver Medal!

April 9, 2014 Accomplishments

​Congratulations to our Colkegan Whiskey for winning silver medal at the Breckenridge Craft Spirits Festiva!

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Colkegan Single Malt Whiskey

Colkegan Wins Silver Medal!

March 31, 2014 Accomplishments

​Our Colkegan Whiskey won a silver medal at the 2014 San Francisco World Spirits Competition! We are very proud of our product and hope that you enjoy it as much as we do!

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Apple Brandy Sidecar

Great Article on Santa Fe Selection!

March 10, 2014 In the Press

​Check out this awesome article about our spirits and how we started by Maria at Santa Fe Selection! Thanks for the support and make sure to check out this website if you need any Santa Fe travel tips! 


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Santa Fe Selection

Santa Fe Selection

March 3, 2014 In the Press

We have a great write-up on the Santa Fe Selection Travel Guide!Make sure to check it out and share with anyone coming to visit Santa Fe!

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Edible Magazine Spring 2014

Santa Fe Spirits in Edible Magazine

March 3, 2014 In the Press

We had a great write up in Edible Magazine Santa Fe's spring issue on Women and Food! Make sure to pick up a copy or come have a look at our downtown tasting room! http://issuu.com/ediblesantafe/docs/esf-spring-2014

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Apple Brandy

Santa Fe Spirits Apple Brandy in the Wall Street Journal

February 25, 2014 In the Press

​Check out this great mention of our Apple Brandy in the Wall Street Journal!! Click Continue Reading for the link!

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DStill 2014

DSTILL Colorado

February 25, 2014 Events

Check us out at DStill!!

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post card promo

Write Your loved Ones a Postcard

February 20, 2014 Company News & Announcements

For the month of February we will be providing FREE postcards and postage when you write a letter to a friend, family, or loved one! Stop by both of our tasting rooms for a delicious drink, and write a letter. You know that they’ll appreciate it!

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Our Five Spirits!


February 20, 2014 Company News & Announcements

Support your favorite distillery and write us in for the Brandy, Gin, Vodka & Scotch category!

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Bank Bite

Bang Bite at our Downtown Tasting Room

January 17, 2014 Company News & Announcements

Friday and Saturday nights the Bang Bite crew will be serving up their slice of heaven at our Downtown Tasting. Roll in for a Bite of goodness and simple pleasures.  http://www.bangbitesf.com/  

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Apple Blossoms in the Snow

Follow Up to Maktima Fundraiser & Maktima Brand Launch

January 8, 2014 Events

Put January 15th, 2014 on your calendar!! This is not another fundraising event, but a evening to give thanks to those who sponsored and help Norm Maktima fundraise money to compete in the World Fly Fishing Championships in Norway.

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Wheeler’s Gin Is Now Available!

October 15, 2012 Product Announcements

Santa Fe Spirits is extraordinarily proud to announce the release of Wheeler's Western Dry Gin!

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